Tag: Wayne Dyer

What You Think About ExpandsWhat You Think About Expands

flower garden

Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote many books, but among them, my favorite quote of all is this. “What you think about expands.”

In other words, if we think happy thoughts, positive things begin to happen more often in our lives. Conversely, if we think sad, dark thoughts, our outlook and the things in our lives take on a dark, sad perspective.

So I made a decision to start monitoring my own thoughts and when I find myself getting into that dark place, emotionally, make the effort to consciously turn thoughts to something more positive. It’s not always easy, but it does make a big difference.

And then it occurred to me that if I am having problems keeping my thoughts on the right track, then there must be a ton of other people having the same difficulty.

So I’m going to share thoughts about things that make me personally happy. These things may be large or small and fleeting. But writing about them makes me focus on them. Perhaps reading about them will help raise your thought or brighten your day a bit.
